Drug commander for processing potato tubers
 Processing of potato tubers by means of Commander

Almost every year, gardeners are faced with such a problem as the Colorado potato beetle. This pest is well established in our territories, and feels comfortable, destroying whole harvests of potato plantations, as well as other plants. There are many ways to combat the Colorado potato beetle, from folk remedies to chemical poisons. One of the most effective is the processing of Commander potato tubers. It is capable of hitting a malicious beetle, but without harming the plant or the human body.

General characteristics of the drug Commodore

A commander is an intestinal insecticide that can infect not only the Colorado potato beetle, but also other pests, such as rodents, wireworms, aphids, butterflies, bears and many others. Commander effectively fights both with mature individuals and with larvae set aside..

Designed for external processing of potato tubers.

Principle of operation means

After applying the drug by spraying or watering the plant, it is quickly absorbed into the roots, stems and leaves. After contact with the treated plant, no matter whether it is eaten or just in contact, the insect receives a dose of the active ingredients in its body.

 Apply the product by spraying or watering the plant.
Apply the product by spraying or watering the plant.

The poison begins to act on the nervous system of the parasite, paralyzing all its movements and not allowing it to receive food, which leads to its further death. This protective field is able to protect the plant from bugs for 35-50 days.

Active ingredient and release form

The active substance in the composition of the product, which is responsible for the process of extermination of pests, is imidacloprid in the content of 200 g per 1 liter.

Available in the form of a special soluble concentrate intended for dilution in water. Can be packaged in bottles in volumes of 4, 10, 100 ml, as well as being produced in ampoules on 1 ml.

 Commander is available in bottles or ampoules
Commander is available in bottles or ampoules

Instructions for the processing of potato tubers

For a more positive effect, the treatment of plants is best done in the morning or evening in dry weather and in the absence of wind.

It is better to study the weather forecast in advance, whether it promises rain in the near future, otherwise it will wash away all the poison from the plant before it is absorbed. Watering the harvest on this day is also not recommended.

First of all, in a separate container, you need to prepare a solution, for 10 liters of water you need to take 2 ml of the product. For convenience, you can dilute 2 ml of the drug in 1 liter of water, mix thoroughly and gradually pour the remaining 9 l of water. After the solution is poured into the sprayer or watering can.

Potato tubers should treat well with poison, spraying it carefully from all sides, on all stalks and leaflets. Also, the solution can be applied to potato tubers sprouted outside the garden. To do this, each plant is separately processed and laid out in one row on any surface until it is completely dry.

Processed potatoes can cover loosely, and after soaking in the usual way to land in the ground.

 Processing of potato tubers before planting
Processing of potato tubers before planting

If the Commander has undergone the processing of an already grown potato crop, it should be remembered that it is not recommended to eat it for 20 days.

Precautionary measures

Means Commander does not pose a strong danger to human health.

But, as with any chemical poison, some precautions should be observed:

  • All manipulations with the tool must be made. in rainproof gloves. Also, clothing should be old and unnecessary, designed to work in the garden. If possible, it is better to carry out the treatment wearing a respirator;
  • During the process in no case do not eat or drink. This can be done only after removing all the clothes and taking a shower.If at the moment it is not possible to completely wash, you can restrict yourself to thorough washing of hands and face. It is also not recommended to smoke during the treatment of plants, it is better to suffer a certain amount of time than to have the risk of dangerous particles entering the body through a cigarette;
  • If there is still a breeze when spraying the Commander, you should always stand up in his direction. If you stand up against the wind, the tool gets on the plant in small quantities, but it can get into the eyes and skin;
  • Always need to be careful study instructionindicated on the packaging for this particular drug. You can not take instructions from other means or act at random.
  • At the time of spraying the poison, it is best to remove all pets away from them and close them access to the treated area for about a day.
 Instructions for use Commander
Instructions for use Commander

Advantages and disadvantages

As well as any chemical means, the Commander has a number of the advantages and lacks.


  • Commander is an affordable tool, you can buy it at any specialty store at reasonable prices;
  • Renders pretty lasting effect, does not require frequent treatments;
  • Able to protect crops not only from the Colorado beetles, but also from many other types of pests;
  • A drug resistant to both hot sunshine and heavy rain, because after its absorption, substances are found not only on the surface, but also inside the plant. This makes it possible to apply it in areas with any climate;
  • One of the main advantages can be considered the fact that this insect is still not developed immunity, unlike many others, which makes it always effective.


  • Improper use of the drug or negligence may result in injury to health;
  • Since the Commander is a poison for insects, using it near apiaries can lead to poisoning of bees.
 One of the main advantages of the Commander is that pests have not yet developed immunity to him.
One of the main advantages of the Commander is that pests have not yet developed immunity to him.

Storage rules

This drug should be stored in a place protected from the sun.

It should be isolated from contact with food or contact with children and animals. If after the treatment the finished solution remains, it makes no sense to store it, since the shelf life of the solution is very small, it must be poured into a hole dug far from the garden and buried with earth.

Undiluted drug has an expiration date up to 36 months. Before buying, Commander must be familiar with the shelf life indicated on the packaging.

Compatibility of the Commodore with other drugs and analogues

Commander can be used in conjunction with other drugs, but before that you need to carefully examine whether they give an alkaline reaction. If so, this combination may harm the plants.

Well Commander combines with such means that contribute to crop growth and are included in the category of insecticides and fungicides, for example, Ribav Extra, Zircon, Epin.

Analogs of the Commander can serve such drugs as Konfidor Extra, Proticolorado or Bombardier Aqua.

 Konfidor Extra can serve as an analogue of Commander
Konfidor Extra can serve as an analogue of Commander

Commander Plus

Since it is possible to process potato tubers before planting, a special modified version of the drug called Commodore Plus was invented.

It is meant exactly for not very strong, pre-sprouted tubers. Commodore Plus is produced in tandem with the drug Energen AQUA, which improves the yield and alleviates the stress in plants obtained from chemical processing.

In general, we can say that Commander Plus does not have much difference from the Commander.The goals and method of use are the same, just the first is a more benign and useful option.

 Commander Plus is designed to handle germinated tubers
Commander Plus is designed to handle germinated tubers


Pavel Valerievich.

In general, was pleased with the Commander. The number of Colorado beetles decreased many times, I found a lot of dead insects on the ground, which suggests that the drug really works.


I learned about this poison in the second half of the summer season, so I processed the potatoes once. But this was enough for me to make sure that the Commander is able to help. We were always overwhelmed by a huge number of wireworm worms and Colorado beetles, but their attacks stopped immediately after using this tool.

Based on customer feedback, we can conclude that the tool really works and is worth trying.

The condition of the garden as a whole depends on its owner for the most part, if it puts in the soul, works hard and protects its crops from the attacks of pests, then a rich harvest will not take long to wait. But you always need to choose high-quality and proven tools in order to avoid harming the plants and, first of all, yourself, to the maximum.