Detailed description and characteristics of the potato variety Adretta
 Description and characteristics of the potato variety Adretta, tips on planting and care

Potatoes - one of the most popular vegetables used throughout the world. Potatoes - a component of a huge number of various dishes. Today a large variety of potato varieties is grown. One of the most popular and worthy varieties is Adretta.. This potato has a high yield, and its tubers have good taste. Adretta is an unpretentious variety and can be grown throughout Russia.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Adretta refers to the yellow potato varieties. Earlier, yellow potatoes were considered only as fodder crops, but now they are actively consumed.

It can be safely attributed to sredneranny varietal varieties of potatoes. Since planting seed takes about 80 days.

If you plant potatoes in mid-late spring, but in the middle of summer you can savor delicious tubers.

According to the description, this potato boasts a rich harvest. From one hectare it is quite possible to collect about 40 tons of tubers of different sizes. With one bush you can get about a dozen medium and large tubers.

Tubers are mostly medium and large sizes.. The average weight of a tuber reaches 140 grams. But this does not mean that in the fall you will not dig tubers with a weight of about 400 grams.

According to the characteristics, this a kind of unpretentious, resistant to dry weather conditions, sudden changes in temperature, as well as many diseases.

 It is characterized by high yield, you can get about a dozen medium and large tubers from one bush.
It is characterized by high yield, you can get about a dozen medium and large tubers from one bush.

The composition of the soil is not important for Adrett, however if you apply fertilizer, you can get a richer crop.

Bushes are upright, their height can reach 100 cm. The plant is spreading. The leaves are quite large. The color of the leaf plate is pale green. Blossoms in white inflorescences.

Tuber shape - oval. The peel has a yellow color. The flesh is also pale yellow. The peel is quite thin.

Tubers have good taste.. In the process of heat treatment, the pulp does not change its cream color, and the potato itself boils well.

Suitable for cooking, frying, stewing, cooking a variety of casseroles. The starch content in Adretta is about 17%.

Tubers are not only tasty, but they also have a mass of nutrients - protein, vitamin B, carbohydrates (easily digestible carbohydrates).

Potatoes of this variety advised to boil in uniform and use with skin, because it also contains a large number of elements necessary for the human body, especially for the heart and blood vessels.

 Suitable for boiling, frying, stewing, starch content of about 17%
Suitable for boiling, frying, stewing, starch content of about 17%

The history of potato selection Adretta

Adretta was launched in 1975 in the GDR. At that time, yellow potato varieties were considered fodder and went only to feed pet animals.

But Adretta surprised everyone with his excellent taste and became one of the best varieties. To date Adretta is one of the most popular varieties., including in Russia.

Advantages and disadvantages of potatoes

The advantages of the variety Adretta include:

  1. High yield.
  2. Early maturation of tubers.
  3. Tubers are neat and rather large, most of them have a presentation.
  4. Well stored and transports transport.
  5. Unpretentious to the composition of the soil and weather conditions.
  6. Adretta is resistant to many diseases.

In this species of the representative of the family Solanaceae almost no flaws. Among them is only low resistance to viral diseases.

 Advantages of the variety: high yield, early ripening, well stored
Advantages of the variety: high yield, early ripening, well stored

Features of planting and growing

Adretta - unpretentious variety. Even beginners in vegetable growing can cope with growing this crop.

However, Adretta, like any other variety, has its own characteristics.If you take into account all the rules of care, you can get a very good and tasty harvest.

A few tips on handling tubers before planting:

  • Before planting, the tubers are recommended to be treated in a solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate. Also suitable solution of boric acid;
  • for rapid germination, it is also recommended treatment with such means as "Epin", "Prestige";
  • It is also desirable to process it with ammonium nitrate or superphosphate solution. This will increase yields.
It is recommended to put one garlic clove into each well. This will be an excellent prevention against the bear.

Seed tubers dig in to a depth of about 5 cm. The distance between them should be about 40 cm, because the tops are very spreading.

 Before planting, process tubers in potassium permanganate, germinate, plant at a distance of 40 cm from each other
Before planting, process tubers in potassium permanganate, germinate, plant at a distance of 40 cm from each other

General care tips

To get a good harvest, it is recommended to follow the rules of care:

  • watering;
  • fertilization several times per season;
  • treatment of diseases and pests;
  • timely weeding, loosening and hilling.

Basic rules for care:

  • it is very important to periodically loosen the soil.Loosening helps not only to prevent the growth of weed plants, but also nourishes the soil with oxygen;
  • spuding is recommended once a week. Hilling helps protect potatoes from pests. Once a week it is recommended to remove weeds;
  • watering is recommended at least 2 times per season. Especially important is watering during dry periods after the height of the bushes reaches 15 cm.

It is also important to follow the proper technique of planting potatoes Adretta.

 It is important to periodically loosen the soil, spud once a week, water it at least 2 times per season.
It is important to periodically loosen the soil, spud once a week, water it at least 2 times per season.

Diseases and pests

Variety resistant to many diseases: late blight, golden nematode, potato cancer.

But resistance to viral diseases is not the highest. This also applies to scab and black legs.

For the prevention and control of these diseases, it is recommended to process potato-fungicidal preparations.

Among the pests most common Colorado potato beetle. To combat it, insecticides are used.


Three times per season it is recommended to apply fertilizer according to the following scheme:

  1. When the tops begin to grow, it is advised to add humus under each bush.
  2. During the formation of buds, the introduction of wood ash under each bush is recommended.
  3. During the flowering period it is required to feed it with superphosphate.
 Three times per season it is recommended to apply fertilizers: humus, ash, superphosphate
Three times per season it is recommended to apply fertilizers: humus, ash, superphosphate

Harvesting and Storage

You can enjoy the taste of fresh potatoes in the middle of summer. but harvest is recommended to produce closer to the fallwhen the tubers gain their maximum weight and fully mature.

If harvesting is postponed until the last days of September, then there is a chance that an excess of moisture will lead to rotting of the tubers.

The grade differs in good keeping quality at storage. Tubers are not subject to deterioration and decay during long-term storage.

In the room where the tubers are stored, there must be good air ventilation. Perfect cellar or underground. Even freezing will not lead to loss of taste.

Potato Adretta unpretentious and can be grown on almost any soil. Weather conditions also have little effect on potato yields.

Adretta - medium early, high-yielding variety. Even inexperienced gardeners can cope with growing potatoes.The variety has good taste and nutrients, which are contained in tubers and yellow skin.