Growing cucumber seedlings at home
 when to plant cucumbers

When to plant this crop in open ground? To answer this question, gardeners take into account the peculiarities of the weather and the sowing calendar. In the first case, you can understand at what time you can safely land in the soil, and with the help of the second you can choose the most suitable date for the implementation of such an event.

When can I plant cucumbers at home?

This is best done at a time when the soil warms to fourteen to fifteen degrees Celsius.Here it is necessary to take into account that if the temperature is kept at the minimum value, the vegetable will almost not begin to grow. Simply put, the beds should be heated even better. Otherwise, the plant will be subjected to growth only in the daytime, under sunlight. And on cool nights, the process will be suspended.

It is quite natural that the decision to land is perceived by many with great care. More experienced gardeners prefer to trust their own experience. So, when establishing fifteen degrees of heat in the ground, you can safely start planting, because in spring the thermal regime will only increase, which will give favorable conditions for growth.

In the middle regions of our country, the soil composition in the greenhouse warms up by mid-May. At this time, you can without landing a special risk, and there is always the opportunity to arrange additional heating. To this end, manure overheating hay or sawdust is laid on the half-meter depth of the beds. A simpler option is to mulch the beds with plastic wrap.

You can speed up the harvest somewhat, without waiting for the May period.

For this, seedlings are pre-grown. For planting seeds for seedlings, time is simply determined - a three-week period is counted from the middle of May. This time will be quite enough to get perfectly formed sprouts. This method of determining the landing is good if you plan to use a greenhouse for further growth. Seedlings intended for open ground are recommended to be sown in early May.

 Cucumber planting takes place in May
Cucumber planting takes place in May

On which days the correct fit is possible.

Time for sowing can be divided into three periods:

    • early. For planting in open ground it is necessary to wait for the fifth of June. But if the soil is warm enough, and the climate in your area is warm, you can sow from the fifteenth to the twenty-fifth of May.
    • average. This seeding is done in June, up to about the tenth. Suitable for him any cucumber varieties. The first harvests can be harvested with the onset of August;
    • late. For this period, it is recommended to sow varieties intended for salting. The advantage of such sowing is that fresh cucumbers will delight you before the onset of frost.
Cucumbers planted at a lower temperature will either stop growing or die completely.
 Sowing time cucumber
The sowing time of cucumbers is divided into three periods.

The lunar calendar of this year has determined the following days for landing:

month favorable days conditionally favorable days
March 1, 6 – 7, 29 – 31 4 – 5
April 9 – 10, 27 – 28 1 – 2
May 26 – 27 2 – 3
June 8 – 9 3 – 4

Preparation of cucumber seeds for sowing

This procedure is required at home. For the seeds to swell, they should be placed for ten to twelve hours in room temperature water, replacing it several times. Many gardeners recommend warming up the seed stock a couple of months before planting. Before sowing, the seeds are disinfected with manganese solution and additionally treated with a growth enhancing drug.

 Seed preparation for sowing
Before sowing, cucumber seeds are decontaminated

Rules for growing seedlings at home

For this, it is recommended to use peat pots, cups made of paper or plastic, cassettes.

The seedling does not tolerate the transplant, for this reason, the pick should be excluded.

To create ideal conditions, the soil is best made up of garden or turf land, adding humus or sawdust.Prepared seeds are planted in a couple of pieces in each container to a depth of about one and a half centimeters. The pots are put on a tray, sprayed with water, covered with a film or a piece of glass, put in a warm place.

 Strong seedlings
For the cultivation of cucumber seedlings suitable turf land

In order for the sprouts not to be strongly drawn, the temperature regime in the room for several days must be within twenty degrees of heat. Then it is allowed to increase by three - four degrees. It is also necessary to completely eliminate drafts that are contraindicated.

Seedlings are transported to well-lit places, on cloudy days they organize additional dosachivanie.

Watering is carried out every two days, for which use rain or boiled water. Before transplanting seedlings into the ground, they begin to harden, opening the window or carrying containers outside for a few hours.

If necessary, seedlings can be fed using complex mineral compounds. But you have to make sure that the solution does not fall on the sprouts themselves.

The main reasons why cucumber seeds do not sprout

The most common are the following:

  • low temperature conditions of the soil;
  • the great depth at which the sunflower seeds are embedded;
  • the ground is heavy and dense enough;
  • dry ground;
  • strong waterlogging;
  • the use of numerous methods of preparing seeds for sowing;
  • violation of storage conditions of seed.
 Cucumbers do not sprout on too dry ground
Cucumbers do not sprout on too dry ground

What to do if cucumbers do not grow

If you did everything right and avoided the basic mistakes mentioned above, but the cucumber seeds still didn’t make you happy with your good germination for two weeks, they are best scattered. It should also be remembered that cucumbers respond well to soil fertilized with organic matter. It is recommended to add a certain amount of humus to the natural soil during the new preparation

Naturally, everything seems simple and clear. But anything can happen, and if you did not get on an auspicious day - do not panic. You can save the plants by covering them with a special material or polyethylene. Remember that the dates given here for planting are not final - in each region they are adjusted by the characteristics of climatic conditions. Therefore, your own growing experience should not be discounted!