Description and characteristics of tomato varieties sugar bison

When growing tomatoes in greenhouses and greenhouses, varieties that are resistant to high humidity and fungal infections should be selected. Such requirements correspond to the tomato variety Sugar Bison. We will talk about its description and characteristics below.

Description and characteristics of tomato sugar bison

The variety is the result of the work of domestic gardeners. A variety of greenhouse culture was registered in 2004. Due to the interesting taste and marketability, tomato has become popular among owners of private households in a short period of time. Cultivation of vegetables can be carried out in almost all regions of the country, since the plant is positioned as a greenhouse. In the southern part of the country, enterprising gardeners have adapted to grow large tomato in the open field.

Sugar bison belongs to the determinant type of plants with a growing season of 90-100 days. The height of the culture reaches 1.6-1.8 m, which provides a tying procedure. The peculiarity of the early ripe variety of tomatoes is a high yield, with an average of 8-12 kg being removed from 1 m2.

 Tomato Sugar Bison
Tomato sugar bison on a bush close up

Brief fruit characteristics:

  • shape - heart-shaped;
  • color - crimson-pink;
  • weight - 250-350 grams;
  • appointment - for salads, cooking sauces, ketchups, winter preparations.
Tomato peel elastic medium density. Due to this quality, good harvest safety and transportability are noted.

The advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The general impression of the tomato Sugar Bison can be folded, having familiarized with its advantages and disadvantages. Among the predominant characteristics:

  • early ripening (after harvesting, you can use a garden bed for planting other early ripening crops);
  • consistently high yield;
  • unsurpassed taste qualities, in which there is both sweetness and a little sourness;
  • universal use of fruits;
  • strong immunity, which is manifested in resistance to various diseases.

The weak side is the limited location of cultivation (under the shelter). There are no complaints about the commodity and taste qualities of the tomato.

Soil requirements for planting a tomato

For seed sowing, it is recommended to use a ready-made universal substrate or a special one for tomatoes. Soil mixture can be prepared independently by connecting 3 parts of sod land, 1 part of peat, 1 part of humus (compost). Before filling the containers, the soil needs to be heated in the oven or poured on with a solution of low concentration potassium permanganate to disinfect the medium.

 More green tomato varieties sugar bison
More green tomato varieties sugar bison

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is recommended to replace the top layer of soil every year (at least 30 cm). Under the shelter, favorable conditions are created to promote the development of fungus and harmful bacteria. All microorganisms accumulate in the ground, which reduces the yield of the new season. Therefore, instead of the removed layer, a new one consisting of fertile land (it is possible to use a garden), peat, and humus is filled up. This procedure improves the physical properties of the soil, increases its fertility.

Tomato is a crop that responds well to fertilizers, so in spring organics (humus, compost, solution of mullein or chicken droppings, wood ash) and mineral substances (ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium phosphate) are applied to the soil. Disinfection will be required prior to planting seedlings. For this, the site is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulphate. You can also treat the soil with boiling water.

Tomato loves loose soil of light structure, enriched with micro and macro elements. This contributes to the development of the root system and strengthens the immune system. The medium should be slightly acidic or neutral.

Sowing rules

Seeds are planted 60-65 days before transferring seedlings to a greenhouse bed. They are buried in a moist soil 1.5 cm, sprinkling the surface with peat.The interval between seed is 3-5 cm. The top of the container is covered with glass or plastic film. At a temperature of 22-25 ° shoots appear after 5-7 days.

As soon as the shoots appear above the ground, the box must be moved to a well-lit place with a temperature regime:

  • in the afternoon - 18-20 °;
  • at night - 14-16 °.
 Sugar Bison garden bed with tomatoes
Tomatoes with sugar bison

Low degrees contribute to the proper development of seedlings. In a hot room, the sprouts will simply dry out, and with a lack of light, their stems will become thinner.

Seeding is often planned for the end of February - the beginning of March. During this period, daylight hours for normal growing season is not enough, so a fluorescent lamp should be installed above the seedling box.

Watering seedlings should be moderate with a sprayer. In this case, you should try not to fall on the greens with water. At the stage of forming 2-3 leaves, a pickling of the seedlings is carried out. Transfer the roots to a separate container is important with a land clod, so as not to damage them. A week after the picks make the first feed. The second time enrich the soil with nutrients a week before transplanting seedlings.This is necessary for quick adaptation in the new environment.

A week before transferring seedlings to a greenhouse or an open garden bed, it is necessary to daily carry the pots with tomatoes into the fresh air (or under the shelter) for hardening.

Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground

In open ground, seedlings are transferred after the soil has warmed to 16 °, and night temperatures will not fall below 10 ° C. In any case, up to 10 May numbers (in the middle lane) should not be done, the probability of night frosts is high. At first, the bed can be covered with a film for safety.

Planting tomatoes produced according to the scheme:

  • spacing in rows between seedlings - 40-45 cm;
  • distance between rows - 50-60 cm.

The depth of the hole is 25 cm. Before embedding the seedlings, peat and wood ash are poured into the pits (1 cup each).

When planting a tomato in a greenhouse, the same conditions are observed, but the timing of transfer of seedlings is determined differently. Need to focus on the degree of heating of the soil. The indicator should not fall below 15 °, otherwise the root system will not develop normally, which will delay the time of harvest. Also it is necessary to avoid large temperature differences, which is typical for March - April, when the daily figure reaches 30 ° and above, and the nighttime drops to 12-14 °.

 Tomato Seedlings Sugar Bison
Tomato Seedlings Sugar Bison

Grade care after transplanting


Irrigation after planting is carried out in 3-5 days. For irrigation, warm settled water is used, preferably rain or melt. Of the irrigation systems are more suitable: drip and underground. Due to the application of sprinkling, the air humidity increases, which can trigger the development of the fungus.

Weeding and Loosening

Sugar bison reacts positively to loose soil, so after watering, the top layer needs to be plowed up to 5-7 cm deep. After loosening, the soil will warm up better, which has a good effect on the growth of the shoot. At the same time weed weeding is carried out, which is a source of infection with fungal infections, and also contributes to an increase in air humidity. After planting seedlings loosening should be carried out 1 time in 7-10 days.

As soon as a bush is formed, the number of procedures decreases so as not to injure the plant during the formation of flowers and ovaries.


After the soil has been tipped up, the bed should be mulched. Layed mulch with a layer of at least 4-5 cm, retains moisture inside the soil, which reduces the amount of watering.There is also a decrease in the intensity of weed growth. Dry straw, peat or artificial mulch are used as flooring.

Top dressing

During the growing season, the tomato needs 2-3 feedings. The first is carried out 2 weeks after transplanting seedlings to the garden, the second - before the start of flowering, the third - at the stage of mass formation of ovaries. Organic and mineral fertilizers are used as food.

 Tomato sugar bison in the greenhouse
Tomato sugar bison in the greenhouse

Formation of a bush, pasynkovanie

Bush tall, therefore, needs to be formed. More often choose a method in 2 stalks. Masking and hilling increase yields. After reaching the seedling height of 30 cm is held garter on the trellis or other type of support.

Often made mistakes in the care

Among the common mistakes made by gardeners in caring for tomatoes, the following are distinguished:

  • dense planting of seedlings (the number of seedlings of the variety Sugar Bison is 3-4 plants per 1 m2);
  • abundant or frequent watering (provokes the development of the fungus);
  • transfer of seedlings to unheated soil (development of escape is inhibited);
  • overfeeding a tomato (the ovaries may fall off and the leaves turn yellow from excess nutrients).

Diseases and their prevention

Tomato is highly resistant to wet environments, which reduces the risk of fungal infection. But even a strong plant can create problems for pests and diseases.

The main enemy of the tomato is the whitefly greenhouse. Under the shelter, favorable conditions are created for the reproduction and feeding of the insect. Despite the meager size, damage to the crop may be irreparable. If a parasite is found, it should be treated with Confidor.

 Tomato sugar bison close up
Tomato sugar bison close up and in section

If a tomato is grown in open ground, then thrips and solanum miners can attack the garden. It is recommended to get rid of the rapidly breeding pests with the help of Bison.

When breeding drugs should adhere to the recommended dosage, so as not to harm the plant and human health.

Of the existing diseases, brown rot of fruits is a threat to the Sugar Bison.. If a problem is identified, remove the affected tomatoes from the bush and dispose of them by burning to localize the hearth. It is also necessary to adjust fertilization (reduce nitrogen) and irrigation regime (reduce soil moisture).One of the reasons for the development of brown rot is insufficient lighting, so it is worth checking the intensity of light in the greenhouse and the duration of daylight. If the listed measures did not give a positive result, it is necessary to carry out the treatment with one of the following drugs: Xom, Oxis, Barrier, Barrier, etc.

Agrotechnics at first glance is not considered difficult. However, to create optimal conditions for obtaining large, and most importantly healthy fruits of the Sugar Bison, those gardeners who have been engaged in growing vegetables in greenhouses for several years will be able to.