Instructions for use fertilizer superphosphate

Superphosphate is a mineral fertilizer for general use, it is formed during the decomposition of natural phosphates. Of all the macronutrients, tomatoes prefer phosphorus, as it provides strength to bushes, increases their resistance to weather changes and adverse weather conditions. At normal phosphorus in the ground, tomatoes grow faster, their fruits become more tasty. And with the lack of this macrocell it is clear that the bushes are stunted in growth, and, accordingly, they bear worse fruit.

General information

Phosphorus, which is present in its composition, has quite a few qualities necessary for plant crops:

  • With it, the plants begin to bear fruit faster;
  • The macro element makes better taste of vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • Plant aging slows down;
  • It promotes the development of roots, roots, tubers, for example, potatoes;
  • This is one of the elements required by plants for nutrition.

Fertilizer composition

The main element is phosphorus. It can be 20-50%.

The main thing is that phosphorus oxide (P2O5), which is part of the fertilizer, soluble in water. This ability allows you to much more quickly get the roots of plants foliar phosphorus.

Types of superphosphate



Grayish powder, if the ground is sufficiently moist, then it is very difficult to notice. In him up to 20% phosphorus oxide.

The effect of it is smaller than that of other species, but since it costs somewhat less, it is often used by gardeners and gardeners.


It is produced from simple superphosphate, moistening and rolling into pellets with special equipment. The drug in granules is more convenient to use. It has 30% calcium sulphate and 50% phosphorus oxide.

 Granular superphosphate
Granular superphosphate


It has calcium monophosphate, which is perfectly soluble in water. But the fertilizer does not dissolve completely.


In him 40—55% potassium sulphate and 12% sulfur. This species is perfectly soluble in water.

It is used, putting under the radish, horseradish, mustard, cabbage, which requires sulfur.
 Ammoniated superphosphate
Ammoniated superphosphate


Double superphosphate - order of use

Double make in spring before landing and fall after harvest. That is, the fertilizer needs some time for the phosphorus to mix with the earth and further bring maximum benefit, helping the plants to grow and develop.

It is imperative that after applying the fertilizer, it is necessary to water the soil, then the fertilizer is better dissolved and later it will be better absorbed by plants. Greater effect gives the combination of double superphosphate with nitrogen and potassium.

Top dressing of seedlings of tomatoes

The roots of young seedlings of tomatoes not very well absorb simple superphosphatetherefore it is advised to use double granular.

2 weeks after diving young tomato seedlings, solutions with phosphorus content can be diluted. Mix 1.5 tbsp. double spoons, 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate and 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonium nitrate. Put all these substances in a ten-liter bucket of water.

 Top dressing of seedlings of tomato superphosphate
Top dressing of seedlings of tomato superphosphate

The second time fed with a solution with double in 2 weeks from the day of the first feeding. Dissolve 0.5 tbsp. spoons of double superphosphate in 3 liters of pure water.

One week before landing seedling in the ground is required to feed it a third time. In a ten-liter bucket of water, pour 1 tbsp. spoon of double superphosphate and 3 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate.

Top dressing of bushes of tomatoes on a site

Phosphorus contributes intensive root development plants. The seedlings are not too well absorb superphosphate, so make the feeding in the form of extracts or solution.

2 weeks after placing the seedlings in the open ground, make a fertilizer: in 5 liters of water add 500 g of manure, leave for 2-3 days. Immediately before use, pour in another 12.5 liters of water and add 25 grams of double.

Such a top dressing has all the substances the plants need. You can do it 2-3 times per season.
 Top-dressing of tomatoes in the ground with superphosphate fertilizer
Top-dressing of tomatoes in the ground with superphosphate fertilizer

Top root dressing of tomatoes

The leaves perfectly absorb phosphorus, because of this, if you spray tomato leaves with fertilizer, the effect will be in 2-3 days.

  • To prepare you need to dilute 1 tbsp. a boat of superphosphate or a floor of tablespoons of double superphosphate in 1 liter of hot water.
  • Then you will have a solution having a very high concentration. Leave it to insist day.
  • Then add another 10 liters of water.
  • Spray the leaves of tomatoes with this composition.

Amount of fertilizer

In 12 kg of land, where seeds are sown, you need to pour 45 g of double or 90 g of simple, 300 g of dolomite flour, 40 g of potassium sulfate, 30 g of urea. Then the resulting substrate will have all the beneficial substances that are required for growing strong and healthy seedlings.

In the fall scatter on the ground for 1 m2 - 30 g double or 60 g simple, then dig up the soil, and in the spring you can plant seedlings.

 Double superphosphate is introduced in an amount 2 times smaller than usual
Double superphosphate is introduced in an amount 2 times smaller than usual

What soils to use

A good effect is obtained from the use of the drug on soils having neutral or alkaline properties.

And when using it on lands having acidic characteristics, there are difficulties with its assimilation by plants.

Usually, they try to make fertilizers inexpensive, that is, they take cheap and not pure raw materials for the production of superphosphate. As a result, there is no difference when using fertilizer on any type of land, in addition to acidic.

Superphosphate must be applied to such soils. of the highest quality, according to the instructions, since otherwise it will be converted into phosphates of iron and aluminum and the roots of the plants will not assimilate it.

Superphosphate fertilizer helps plants to form fruits, improves their taste, it is necessary for the growth and development of the root system and nutrition of the whole plant.