Propolis ointment at home
 Bee products

People have long been aware of the healing properties of propolis. Two thousand years ago, Roman and Greek doctors recorded the recipes and methods of using this beekeeping product in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Translated from the Greek word means "to close up", "gloss over".

In this article, we will look at what bee propolis is, talk about propolis ointments and learn how to make propolis ointment at home.

What is bee propolis?

Propolis is a bee glue used by bees to gloss over cracks and isolate foreign objects in the hive, as well as to disinfect honeycombs. It is a solid plastic substance of dark green, brown or yellowish color.

It has a characteristic bitter taste.It smells like honey and wax. Bees make propolis by mixing collected pollen with their secret from the jaw glands.

Medicinal properties of propolis

Propolis naturally has the properties of a pharmaceutical antibiotic and at the same time helps strengthen the immune system, has no side effects. It contains flavonoids and phytoncides. These are powerful antioxidants that are known to fight cancer and slow down aging. Used as a remedy:

  • normalization of pressure;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • antimicrobial and antiviral effects;
  • antifungal and antiparasitic;
  • diuretic and choleretic.

The medicinal properties of this substance served its wide use in the field of dentistry, gynecology, dermatology and pediatrics. In medicine, homeopathic ointment with propolis, spray for throat with propolis is used.

 Natural Untreated Propolis
Natural Untreated Propolis

What helps?

The tool is used in the form of tinctures, ointments, sprays, as well as in its natural form. In all of these use cases, he treats skin diseases, colds and coughs, joint diseases, hemorrhoids. In addition, the constant use of ointment helps to look younger.

Useful substances that are part of propolis, have analgesic, wound healing and regenerating actions.

The same properties and ointment.

What are there?

There are several types of propolis ointment:

  • petrolatum 10%, 5%;
  • with wax;
  • on vegetable oil (sunflower, olive);
  • with fish oil, with lard, with butter.

Percentage means the proportion of propolis in the composition of the ointment. For example, 10% ointment contains 10 g of propolis per 100 g of base (petrolatum, fat). 5% - 5 g per 100 g basis.

How to make at home?

Propolis ointment at home on different bases is prepared in similar ways. In general, the process consists of several simple steps.

First, the fatty base is heated or melted, brought to a boil. Then to it is added purified crushed propolis. Products are mixed to a uniform consistency, after which the mixture is filtered and cooled. Such an ointment is stored in a container with a tight-fitting lid in the refrigerator.

 Propolis ointment
Homemade propolis ointment

Recipe 1: "Cook in sea buckthorn oil"

Let's look at how to make propolis ointment on sea buckthorn at home. This ointment has wound healing, moisturizing and disinfecting properties. For cooking you will need:

  • 20 g of crushed propolis without wax content;
  • 100 g sea buckthorn oil.

Ingredients in one pot are heated in a water bath for half an hour. The resulting mixture is filtered through cheesecloth and cooled. Apply this ointment directly on the wound or on the bandage. It is used to relieve pain, treat inflammation, hemorrhoids.

Recipe 2: "On vegetable oil"

How to make propolis ointment at home in vegetable oil? Soft ointment based on sunflower oil treats skin diseases, wounds, ulcers. Necessary products for the preparation of this option:

  • 20 g of propolis;
  • 95 g of vegetable oil.

The product is crushed and, together with the oil, heated in a water bath. A warm mixture is filtered and allowed to cool, after which the ointment is applied externally.

Recipe 3: “From butter and yolk”

Ointment of propolis based on oil with the addition of yolk is used in cosmetic body care. It has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. For cooking need such ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. l propolis oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l honey;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 1 yolk.

All products are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass. Ointment is used as a mask for hair. It is applied for a while on a clean head, then washed off with warm water.

To heat any mixture in a water bath, it is best to use chinaware.

Instructions for use of homeopathic ointments based on propolis

Skin diseases

And now let's find out about the instructions for the use of propolis ointment in different areas.
The ointment is used widely, in particular for the treatment of:

  • catarrhal and viral diseases;
  • blackheads and acne;
  • herpes;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • corns and natoptyshy;
  • fungus;
  • ulcers and wounds;
  • boils and boils.

In some cases it is more convenient to apply a thick layer of ointment on clean skin, in others - on a bandage. To do this, put the mixture on a gauze fabric and place it on the desired area of ​​skin. Bandaging is performed every three to four hours.

 The use of propolis ointment for skin diseases
The use of propolis ointment for skin diseases


The most popular psoriasis medicine is propolis ointment. In its treatment, it has a painkiller, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect on the affected skin. For use with this purpose, the ointment should be watery in consistency, which facilitates its application.

Places affected by plaques are first treated with hydrogen peroxide, and then with the help of cotton wool or fabrics, excess moisture is removed. On the prepared skin bandage with ointment, which must be changed several times during the day. The treatment of psoriasis continues until full recovery.


For the treatment and healing of wounds, an ointment with 15% propolis is best suited. It is applied to a bandage, which is changed once a day or two.. If necessary, a tampon with this ointment can be placed in the wound cavity and replaced every two to three days. This method of application prevents the development of gangrene.

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For the treatment of hemorrhoids with cracks and knots recommended 10% ointment. It is used 2-3 times a day, smearing damage. With the same problem copes well and propolis composition in the form of candles. The course of treatment lasts until recovery.

Runny nose

To cure a runny nose with propolis ointment, it is necessary to lubricate the nasal mucosa with it several times a day. For the same you can use blurred turunda.

Joint pain

Relieve pain in the joints can be the first application of ointment from propolis. Further use of this tool already has a therapeutic effect. The approximate duration of the course is two weeks, the field of which is a break and the course repeats.

Ointment impose a thick layer on the inflamed sore spot and after 20-30 minutes wipe. For convenience and to improve the result, the area of ​​the body treated with the tool can be tied up with a bandage and wrapped with woolen fabric.

Features of the use of propolis for children

Propolis is safe for children, but before use pediatrician consultation is necessary, to eliminate intolerance to substances and allergies to it.

For the treatment of cough in children, propolis ointment is applied orally. 5 ml of the drug is used once a day, it is washed down with warm milk or tea. The common cold is treated by rubbing. For them, preparing a mixture of ointment and propolis alcohol tincture. Ingredients are taken in a ratio of 2 to 1.

The tool is rubbed into the child’s chest and back for the night. To improve the effect, after rubbing the baby warmly worn and wrapped in a blanket.

 Propolis in tiles
Propolis in tiles

Contraindications for use

Propolis ointment has several contraindications:

  • allergic to any bee products;
  • tendency to allergic asthma;
  • propensity for allergic urticaria, eczema.

Before using the ointment, you must first check the response of the body to the active substance. To do this, a small amount of propolis is applied to the elbow bend or other sensitive skin area. Allergy is manifested by itching, redness, rash, and fever and headache.

In this case, the use of propolis ointment should be abandoned. If the first use is not accompanied by any signs of allergy, then you can begin treatment.

The use of drugs with propolis should start with the means with a small dosage of the main ingredient and gradually increase its quantity to the required concentration.

Propolis spray

Propolis spray is used to treat diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. This method of use is effective in the treatment of:

  • catarrhal and viral diseases, for example, tonsillitis, tonsillitis;
  • herpes;
  • burns;
  • ulcers;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis.

Spray application convenient in the treatment of rhinitis and inflammation of the adenoids. As in another dosage form, propolis in the spray has anesthetic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal action.

 Propolis spray
Propolis spray


The pharmaceutical industry produces the following sprays: "Proposol", "Lariofit Propolis", "Proposan". Means are inhalers with a volume of 25 ml, 30 ml, 50 ml. The dosage of the active substance is 4-6%, depending on the manufacturer.

How to apply cough sprays to the throat?

Used locally. 2-3 irrigations are made to the affected area during inhalation. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days, depending on the degree of the disease and the characteristics of the organism. Use propolis spray is allowed for the treatment of children older than 12 years.

As in other therapeutic forms, propolis in the spray has contraindications. Each drug is accompanied by detailed instructions, which should be reviewed before using it.

Propolis is a beekeeping product rich in nutrients. Its value is that nature itself has created this therapeutic composition. In folk medicine are widely used tools based on it. Their effectiveness is proven by time and not by one generation of people. The naturalness of the product and the simplicity of the recipes of medicinal products with the content of propolis brings the maximum benefit to the body.Traditional methods of treatment is not a panacea for all diseases, but an additional means of their prevention and treatment.

The product of beekeeping has a wide spectrum of action: relieves pain and inflammation, promotes healing and rejuvenation, disinfects and resists viruses and microbes. The substance gives all the useful properties to pharmaceuticals and self-prepared mixtures.

If possible, grab a piece of propolis from an apiary located in a clean corner. He will definitely come in handy at home.