Geese linda in the household
 geese linda

According to legend, it was the geese who saved Rome from the invaders' attack in the 5th century BC. In the modern world, geese are not bred for the defense of fortresses and cities.

These waterfowl poultry are a valuable source of feather, fluff and tasty meat. One of the most popular species of domestic geese is the Linda breed, which is in high demand among farmers in both Russia and other countries.

Geese linda: breed description

Nizhny Novgorod region is the birthplace of geese linda. Lindov variety appeared as a result of breeding representatives of local breeds of geese with the Chinese. Further improvement of this species of waterfowl was made by crossing with the Solnechnogorsk geese, and then with representatives of the Arzamas and Lanjezh breed.

As a result of such a selection, it was possible to breed a precocious breed of geese, mainly meat-oriented, whose body weight at the age of two months is about 4 kg.

Appearance and temperament

Breed appearance

The individuals of the linda are characterized by a rather large, elongated constitution, white plumage and a peculiar cone in the region of the frontal zone. The beak and legs have an orange color of varying degrees of intensity. The eyes of the bird are small, dark in color.

Lind breed females in adulthood weigh about 7 kg, the weight of males varies on average about 8 kg.

Linda get along well with representatives of other breeds. Birds are distinguished by contact, curiosity, friendliness in relation to both people and their own relatives.

Conditions of detention and cultivation

Unpretentiousness in the content refers to the advantage of this species of birds. Linda can easily tolerate even severe frosts in unheated poultry houses, the only thing in the room should not be drafts.

The most optimal conditions for the maintenance of the linda is a house with a walking area adjacent to a reservoir with running water. In such conditions, birds will be able to receive the most balanced nutrition in a natural way.

Content on the street

In the absence of a reservoir, special attention is paid to drinkers, in which fresh and clean water should always be located.

However, linda geese can also contain closed poultry houses, provided that there is no more than 1.5-1.7 birds per square meter of cage or aviary. Greater crowding affects birds, which can become more painful, stop rushing or completely lose their plumage.

In addition to space, another important factor in keeping birds of this species is lighting. Females stop laying eggs at daylight at 7 o'clock. In order for the geese to fly, the lighting must be extended for at least 12 hours with a subsequent monthly increase of one hour.

Especially strict are the lighting requirements for young stock, since, for the first 10 days, the newly hatched chicks need light 24 hours a day. With age, as goslings grow older, the need for light decreases.

So, for goslings at the age from 10 to 20 days, a 16-hour light day is necessary, and for chicks at the age from 20 days to one and a half months, 14 hours of light time are sufficient. At the same time, the lighting mode is allowed with a few interruptions for reasons of economy of resources.

Juvenile geese linda

The absence of drafts, the presence of walking with a flowing body of water and the possibility of lighting the house are the key components of a successful breeding lind.

Weights and characteristics

Lind geese are rather large representatives of the waterfowl family. The weight of individuals can reach up to 12 kg with an average of 8 kg in males and 7 kg in geese, respectively.

Nestlings enter the period of maturity as early as 8 months, while already in the first 2-3 months young goslings gain body weight approximately in the region of 4 kg. The meat of lindovsky geese has perfectly recommended itself, thanks to the softness and delicate rich taste.

These factors lead Linda to leading indicators.among the meat breeds of waterfowl. The species is characterized by relatively high egg production.

Egg lindovskoy breed

 egg linda
These are the eggs are goose linda

The number of eggs from one hen varies from 50 to 65 pieces per year and falls on the spring period. The weight of one egg is about 150-170 gr. More than 90% of all eggs are fertilized.

In terms of the incubator, the viability of eggs is in the range of 70-80%. Of the hatched goslings of the maturity period, at least 90% of the chicks reach. In part, such indicators are due to the females, as the Linda geese are also excellent hens.

One of the pledges of egg production is the use by females of a sufficient amount of calcium and high-grade green food. In combination with a long day of light, with these two factors it is possible to achieve high productivity of eggs from this breed, both for consumption and for further breeding.

Feeding at home

In general, the diet is extremely important for Linda, because the birds have a good appetite. Due to underfeeding, linda geese start to breed offspring that is sick with rickets, therefore it is not possible to restrict the consumption of food for this species of poultry.

 geese by the pond
Geese by the pond

In the goose feed, it is preferable to use broiler feeds that are characterized by high nutritional value. The most optimal the diet is selected according to the age of the young. The first two weeks are given a starter feed, the next two grower feeds and, finally, a finisher feed until the chicks have reached one and a half months old.

When the goslings reach 45 days of age, the key criterion in the choice of food is the presence or absence of the ability to graze the young.

In the absence of this possibility, multivitamin supplements are additionally included in the bird ration, the protein level in the feed should be at least 14%.

Breeding characteristics

Due to the high amount of feed consumed, birds are slaughtered, as a rule, when they reach the 5 kg weight mark, leaving only the valuable, in terms of breeding, individuals to ensure further offspring.

Despite the factor of high feed intake, the breed has a high payback, due to the fact that the output of meat from one individual reaches 80%. In feeding the birds are not picky. A complex specialized feed for chickens, grain, grass, and root vegetables can be included in the ration of a linda.

 a flock of geese
Flock of geese linda

In addition to food and lighting, one of the features of breeding Linda geese is a special relationship to the young. In the period from 28 to 49 days, goslings grow in flight feathers, because of which the susceptibility of chicks to loud sounds and other irritating factors sharply increases.

This should be taken into account by isolating offspring from possible sources of noise. When feeding the brood, sharp movements should be avoided.

Disease, prevention and treatment

Linda geese, like other birds, are prone to various diseases, especially with improper care. The main requirements for the prevention of morbidity - maintaining cleanliness of the house, timely vaccination and lack of crowding. As a rule, before settling the young, the house is subjected to careful treatment and disinfection.

All bedding is to be replaced, whitewashing is done on the internal walls and ceiling. The goslings are fed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and glucose the day after they were hatched, in order to strengthen the general immunity and increase the resistance of pathogenic pathogens.

In the first weeks of life, chicks are vaccinated against viral enteritis,to which representatives of this breed are often subject without proper preventive measures. In order to prevent the incidence of young salmonella, goslings every three months are fed with preparations containing thean.

Diseases found in lind geese:

  • Enteritis is viral.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Pasteurellosis.
  • Aspergillosis.
  • Hymenolepitis.
When a sick individual appears in the livestock, the sick bird is immediately isolated in a separate room, and disinfection is carried out in the house to prevent further spread of the disease.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thus, summing up, we can highlight the key points by collecting a description of the main advantages and disadvantages of the breed.

Carcass linda

The disadvantages include:

  • Difficulty in breeding in the absence of free access to the reservoir. Despite the fact that the cultivation of linda in the absence of access to water is possible, this significantly affects the final value of the livestock.
  • High incidence hymenolepitis of young. For prevention, it is advisable to mix in the feed goose algae.
  • Avitaminosis. Lindovskaya breed is extremely susceptible to beriberi, especially in the first half of spring.To avoid this, vitamin complexes and fresh grass are added to the feed.
  • High noise. Linda actively communicate with each other through gaggle, while the haul from several dozen individuals is quite noticeable.

But the above-mentioned cons more than cover the advantages of the breed:

  • Frost resistance and endurance. Landa tolerates both extremely cold and high hot temperatures, which allows breeding linda in many regions. The only condition is the absence of drafts that Linda geese literally do not tolerate.
  • Precocity with excellent taste. At the age of 5 months the bird gains about 7 kg of weight, and by the year the weight can reach 9-11 kg, however, from the point of view of high feed intake, slaughtering of young individuals is more expedient when they reach 5-7 kg.
  • High egg production against other meat breeds. Given the good nutrition and normal living conditions in the house, the hens of this breed are able to deliver eggs daily for almost the entire spring period.
  • Indicators progeny survival rate. Linda chicks, as well as adults, are distinguished by high endurance and good immunity, which contributes to the survival of litter over 90%.
  • Peacefulness in character.Linda is not conflicted, gets along well with other birds from among her neighbors, which makes it possible to settle these geese in a common poultry house.
  • High payback. The profitability of breeding lindovskih geese with the right content exceeds 100%, despite the high degree of consumption of food and energy.


 goose and bird
Goose and bird on the run

The availability of breeding, good characteristics, lack of excessive requirements for the care, nutrition and maintenance, undoubtedly, make the waterfowl of the Linda breed one of the most valuable representatives of the industry, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of geese-breeding farmers.

Farmers Reviews

I myself did not hold and do not hold this breed. But I heard about her different. One had, such a goose laid about 20 eggs and sat down and hatched. The other two geese carried about 50 eggs and did not hatch. Another friend also has two geese, about 30 eggs each, and they sit down to hatch.

Another friend had three geese, I don’t know how much they carried, but I know that not one goose did not sit down. And I also had a friend, such two geese were carried from 20-30 eggs and sat down to incubate, but they sat poorly ...

Linda in the pasture will never pick up meat, on the contrary she doesn’t want a long walk. This is an industrial bird and it is desirable to fatten it, then it will be similar to the stated weight.

Linda himself brought this year from Bashkiria with. Yazykovo Blagovarskiy stud farm. There was no waste at all. 100% survived. Now for 75 days goslings, good gusachas weigh 6.5-7kg. The bird is just super.