Content of highsex brown chickens
 rooster and chicken highsex brown

Chickens Hisex Brown are ubiquitous on the territory of modern Russia, which is connected with high rates of egg production, unpretentious content and good survivability.

From the point of view of the breeder, the allocation of Hisex Brown to a separate breed is wrong, because in fact, chickens are a hybrid of the Leggorn birds.

For the first time, Dutch breeders working on the basis of the firm "Evribrid" started breeding a hybrid. The first chickens with specified characteristics appeared in 1970, after 4 years they were brought to Russia, where they became extremely popular.

Description, the differences between rooster and chicken

Hisex Brown is a highly specialized hybrid of chickens, the so-called cross, featuring a strong build, but small in size.

 roosters and hensThe color of the feathers is bright brown, in rare cases white markings may appear on the tips of the feathers. The feather cover is dense, the feathers themselves are strong, about them you can easily cut yourself.

Comb - large, strong, well-defined. The legs are large, strong, fairly wide apart. The head of a medium-sized chicken, the color of the beak and legs can vary from light to bright yellow.

This breed of chickens is distinguished by its docile nature, a sufficient degree of plodding and livability, which allows keeping them together with other birds, be it ducks, geese, or chickens of other breeds.

Chickens are good to humans, aggression is not observed even from the roosters. Roosters and chickens are extremely active., they are constantly in motion and therefore need a large space.

Attention: Hisex Brown is subject to stress, because they should be protected from abrupt changes in the situation and feed ration.

Haysex Brown was initially raised on an industrial scale; the first chickens of this breed appeared on the farms of the Ukrainian SSR and Tyumen Oblast of Russia.

Very quickly, the breed came into the view of farmers and chickens were bred in households. At this time, Hisex Brown - it is still more domestic than industrial hens, although they can be found in farms specializing in the sale of eggs.

Characteristics, description and photo

 photo of highsex brown breedAn adult chicken with the correct feeding mode is capable of reaching a weight of 2.5 kilograms, while the weight of the rooster varies between 2.8 and 3 kilograms.

Chickens and roosters become sexually mature by the 20th week of life, after which they are ready to mate and lay eggs.

Hisex Brown has a high egg production rate, in just 100 days, one chicken can carry up to 96 eggs, in the year from one hen you can get almost 363 eggs. In this case, the weight of one egg is at least 70 grams.

To demolish one egg a chicken needs to eat about 0.128 grams of feed per day.The color of the eggshell is white or dark.

Breeding chickens Highsex Brown

The secret to growing healthy chickens with a good body weight is to create acceptable conditions for them. Hisex Brown is not picky about temperature and humidity conditions; it is allowed to dilute both at very low and at elevated temperatures.

 keeping chickensWhen keeping chickens in a chicken coop, you must take care that the temperature does not fall below 12 degrees, which can be achieved by warming the walls and floor of the room, or by providing artificial heating. As a litter it is best to use dry straw.

The room where chickens are kept, should be warm and well ventilated, chickens are afraid of drafts, so it is necessary to carefully ensure that all windows and doors are always closed.

Chickens and young chickens should be purchased exclusively from proven breeders, remembering that in Highsex Brown is a hybrid, which in industry is bred under the constant control of a veterinarian who monitors minimal fluctuations in temperature, light and feed.

Note: Pursuing the purchase of young stock, it should be understood that it will not be possible to achieve high egg-laying rates at home.

When crossed with other breeds of chickens, Hisex Brown do not pass on to posterity their breed qualities, because they are not fixed at the genetic level, which leads to the need to constantly update the number of purebred chickens.

Content of chickens of this breed

 chickens of this breedThe newly purchased young stock is afraid of cold, for normal growth and development of the chicken it is necessary that the temperature in the room does not fall below 22 degrees, if necessary, install incandescent lamps and heating appliances.

Quite small daily and monthly chicks can be kept in the house by equipping for these purposes a separate well heated room. Care must be taken not only to ensure that the chicks do not freeze, but also so that they do not overheat.

Overheated chickens look tired and sleepy, they react poorly to movements, almost do not get up and gradually die.

Statistics show that Hisex Brown chick survival rate reaches 99%, but at home to provide such a high survival rate is almost impossible.

Practice shows that out of 100 chicks, maturity reaches just over 75-80 pieces. The remaining 20-25 chickens are dying from cold, overheating, poisoning, parasites and an unfortunate set of circumstances.

How to start feeding

 chick feedingSmall chickens should be fed with boiled eggs, finely chopped green sorrel, dandelion and other plants. Instead of water, fresh, slightly warmed milk should be poured into the chickens' watering bowl, and care should be taken to ensure that chickens do not drink prokishee milk, otherwise they may become ill.

Tip: As they grow up, chickens can start feeding wet mash from corn flour and water, giving coarsely chopped vegetables and fruits.

Adult chickens and roosters should be fed balanced feed with a high content of vitamins and proteins. The food supply of adult individuals should consist of green nettle, vegetables, leguminous plants, chalk and coal.

When feeding chickens, it is necessary to observe the feeding regime, gradually transferring the young individuals to mixed feed.

Breed diseases

Experienced farmers manage to reduce mortality among this hybrid chicken to almost the minimum, which is achieved through timely vaccination and helminthization.

Hisex Brown rarely gets sick, but when kept together with geese, ducks and birds of other breeds, they may well be attacked by lice or helminths, be poisoned by poor-quality food, or fall victim to common avian diseases such as brucellosis, pullorosis, salmonella, and staphylococcus.

Most of these diseases are treated by the timely introduction of antibiotics into the daily diet of birds. chick vaccination

Symptoms of the disease are:

  • weakness joints;
  • the lack of appetite;
  • exhaustion;
  • absence or desire drink water;
  • inflammation throat;
  • cramps respiratory tract and muscles.

Sick birds must be isolated from healthy ones. After contact with them, you should wash your hands and face with soap and rinse your mouth with alcohol.

The survival rate of chickens is high, but still cases of mass mortality are not considered an exception, because while breeding chickens, attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the litter, as well as the freshness of food and water consumed by birds.

Should do not allow other animals to drink and feed, especially cats and dogs.

Content tips

For the normal content of Hisex Brown, it is necessary that the room always had boxes of sand mixture consisting of sand and wood ash. Chickens love to bathe in dust, sand helps birds maintain personal hygiene. In addition, this bath prevents the occurrence of parasites.

 keeping chickens in the aviaryAt home, it is preferable to keep the birds on the floor, providing the chicken coop with the necessary number of perches. One chicken needs at least 25 centimeters of free space. When industrial breeding birds are usually kept in cages.

In the conditions of a small farm cellular content is meaningless because it involves not only a large number of expensive cells, but also artificial lighting, air conditioning, organization of the feeding and cleaning system.

In addition, Hisex Brown, as already stated above, does not tolerate a closed and cramped space, because in one cage can not be more than 2-3 chickens.

Tip: Cells should be well lit, firmly knit together and protected from external influences by predators.

In this regard, a simple floor maintenance is much more profitable, because it does not require taking care of the constant availability of electricity to ensure the operation of air conditioners and heaters.

The usual floor content has its advantages also in the fact that it is possible to let the birds out into the street, or into the pen without long fussing with the opening of many cages.


Breeding Hisex Brown at home is full of exceptional benefits, such as:

  • high survivability birds;
  • increased egg production;
  • resilience to parasites and various diseases;
  • unpretentiousness conditions of detention;
  • ability to bear low temperatures for a long time. photo of the cock of this breed


  • lack of instinct in many birds hatching;
  • impossibility the transfer of egg-bearing qualities to offspring when crossed with birds of other breeds;
  • exactingness to the spacious room and constant availability of free space;
  • birds are demanding to food base, grow well and rush only by eating highly nutritious and high-quality food;
  • perfect results can be achieved only by crossing with birds of the Leggorn breed.


Breeding chickens and cockerels Hisex Brown have been doing recently. Externally, the birds look very cute, their character is calm, docile. They feed exclusively on feed.

The only minus noted by me - the lack of chicken instinta laying eggs in the roost. I solved this problem by placing an ordinary cricket ball or some round ball on the bottom of the perch.

It is necessary to trace the chicken and at the moment when it is about to start laying, transplant it to the roost.


I don't particularly like an experienced farmer, because I prefer to breed birds for the sake of eggs. The real find in this regard was the Highsex Brown, which I bought at one of the agricultural exhibitions.

These birds are very small in size, but very very tenacious, out of 10 chickens bought by me, 9 survived, which I consider to be a very good indicator. I advise all farmers.


I had never been interested in birds before, but I retired and decided to start a few chickens for my own use. My neighbor advised me to buy Hisex Brown, assuring me that I could not find more beautiful, tenacious and profitable birds. This description is very interested.

Basically I was satisfied with the purchase, the only thing that does not suit is that chickens need high-quality feed, the cost of which is not always allowable for a pensioner’s wallet.

Evgeny Stepanovich


 egg productionSo, Hisex Brown is one of the best egg-bearing hybrids, which can be maintained both in industrial and at home.

Externally, the birds are small, the maximum weight of roosters when feeding high-class feeds barely reaches 3 kilograms, which in principle is unimportant, since Hisex Brown is valued for a large number of eggs that can be obtained from each layer.

Tip: Keep Hisex Brown should also be like ordinary chickens, because you should not be afraid of their purchase.

Birds have a high degree of survival, because the mistakes made in the content will be easy to fix.

Do not forget that Hisex Brown is a very freedom-loving birds, extremely fastidious to the free space, because the little hen houses with no windows and no exit to the pen, they are practically not suitable.