Description and features of apple varieties Anis
 Anise apples

Modern breeders are constantly bringing out new varieties of apple trees, in addition to those that already exist and more than once tested in field conditions. In this article we will tell you about the apple tree Anis and how to get the best harvest from them.

Description of apple varieties Anise scarlet, striped and Sverdlovsk

Immediately it is worth noting that the variety and type are not the same. There are several different species in the variety, and there are certain differences between them, which we will discuss a little further.The original variety, bred for the first time, is called Anis Scarlet, and it was he who was given the first social characteristic in his time. In addition to this species, we will consider Anis Sverdlovsk and Anis striped (or gray, as it is also called by the people).

Anise Scarlet is considered the most common type of apples among aniseed, and among the varieties of apples, in principle, is well recognized by the dark red fruit.

The grade perfectly maintains transportation on a long distance and can grow even at rather low temperatures. But the fruits themselves are stored for no more than two months - and this is under good conditions. So experienced gardeners recommend immediately letting them on the workpiece or eat, until the apples finally lose their taste and useful properties.

Harvesting takes place at different times for each variety. Scarlet Anis ripens at the very end of summer, Sverdlovsk only by mid-September, and Striped is better left to ripen until the end of September and the beginning of October. For transporting the last two varieties are much better suited than Scarlet Anis - they can be kept in boxes for several months, most importantly, to maintain an optimum temperature of about zero degrees Celsius.Moisture drops and lack of ventilation are highly discouraged.

 Apples Scarlet Anise on the tree
Apples Scarlet Anise on the tree

Features of growing apple trees

The first thing you should do before planting is to choose a fairly light area. In the shade, a sapling, at best, will become somewhat frail and will develop much more slowly than expected, and at worst, it will wither and not bear fruit.

A seedling must stay warm for at least a month in order to settle down and take root.therefore, it should be planted no later than a month before the first cold weather. Consider the particularities of the region so that early frosts do not destroy seedlings.

The first few years will not bear fruit, so the gardener can only look after him, removing too long roots, shoots and forming a crown.

Branches to the complete discharge of the leaves in any case not cut off, so as not to damage the tree.

Despite the rather serious unpretentiousness to the soil as a whole, gardeners note that the best crop is obtained in areas with the following types of soil:

  • sandy loam;
  • loamy.

The ideal soil for planting anise of any kind should be airtight, moisture-absorbing and fertile.

Planting rules for seedlings

There is no need to prepare a pit for planting in advance: the tree is perfectly rooted in the soil without special preparation. Many gardeners pry it directly during planting. The only thing: Before leaving the seedling, it is necessary to drive a strong peg into the ground and tie a trunk to it.

 Grade Anis Sverdlovskiy on a tree branch
Grade Anis Sverdlovskiy on a tree branch


The tree does not tolerate drought badly, so if summer is given out completely without rain, it is better to water the tree several times a season to bring good fruit. After watering the soil around the tree necessarily loosened. Every time a gardener sees a defect on a trunk or branch, he must remove it and, at the first opportunity, treat the cut with a garden pitch.

Before the onset of serious frosts, special preparations are made for wintering. Fallen leaves are transported away from the tree, the trunk is bleached to disinfect the bark (reduces the likelihood of being affected by diseases and pests), if there was such a problem, tie the trunks, protecting them from rodents.

If there is a possibility, it is worth treating the tree with special preparations, which allow to reduce the possibility of damage by the diseases and pests listed in the following paragraphs.

In the spring, when the snow is just beginning to descend, a small snowdrift is put around the tree, and then it is trampled down to retain enough moisture for the awakening tree.

Spring whitewashing is carried out not immediately, waiting until all the moisture from the trampled snowdrift is absorbed into the ground, and it dries out completely. During the spring whitewash try to inspect the branches: if they are damaged by wind and frost, they must be cut off. Binding, imposed in the autumn, is removed completely, around the trunk loosen the earth a little and apply fertilizer there.

 Apple harvest Anise striped
Apple harvest Anise striped

Diseases and pests

The apple tree is prone to most of the standard diseases, but the breeders have learned to fight with some of them. At present, scab and powdery mildew pose the greatest danger to the crop. If we talk about pests, then the most devastating effects of the raid of the common aphid, moth and leafworm.


Externally, the scab appears very quickly: the leaves are covered with olive-green spots, which eventually begin to turn black and crack, and then completely break. Spots cover almost the entire tree, and in the final stages, the bark swells and bursts.The disease can begin if there is high humidity in the area for a long time - or if the gardener has started the crowns and they have become too thick.

Use fungicides for treatment (after having familiarized with several manufacturers and deciding what exactly suits you), and before that, they take preventive measures aimed at improving the condition of the tree (burning dry fruits and leaves, cutting crown, processing 5% solution of blue vitriol).

 Scab on apples
Scab on apples

Mealy dew

Appearance corresponds to the name - the leaves of the apple as if covered with a thin touch. For treatment, it is necessary to get rid of the foci of infection. (it is enough to tear off the affected leaves, if there are not too many of them), replace part of the soil around the plant and carry out watering and spraying with special preparations.

Aphids are derived from the same fungicides and nitrafen, for the leafworm they prepare in advance the infusion of ordinary tobacco without flavors, and the moth does not tolerate the smell of wormwood.
 The defeat of the apple tree with dew
The defeat of the apple tree with dew

Reviews gardeners about apples

Eugene: The taste is quite average, so it is worth thinking a few times before buying seedlings.Jam and other preparations go well, but my family didn’t like the taste just like that. Acquaintances from Siberia, on the contrary, praise: with their frosts, apple trees do not always survive, and here a winter-hardy variant, in which the fruits lie well, that's what they rejoice at. You can try, but if the area is wet and there is no frost, I don’t see much of a sense.

Catherine: A very hardy tree, no matter what anyone says. I had to take care of him for a long time, some hooligans chopped up the central conductor, after the winter he never recovered, but instead four branches grew. She chose one, the strongest, she quite successfully replaced the central conductor. Vertical branches, which grew due to the lost central conductor, tied a little to grow horizontally. Now a great apple tree, almost indistinguishable from other trees in the garden.

Michael: In many descriptions, Anis Scarlet is a summer variety, but I would say that it is closer to the autumn one, since I always pick apples at the very end of August - the beginning of September. Fruits are smaller than Striped (there are both apple trees, I could compare). It is believed that you can eat right from the tree, but I would recommend to roll a little in the shade to reach the condition.In the fridge or basement, they lie down freely for a couple of months, storing both there and there, as a result, only the flesh softened a little, and nothing else changed.

Nikolay: I needed apples only for cider, so I didn’t pay attention to the original taste qualities. Went through several varieties with friends, as a result, on the site planted only three trees, one of which is just striped anise. Cider turns out good, take care, in principle, not so difficult. The only minus - the juice is really small, if it goes, then it is necessary to puree, you have to additionally filter to get the result.


Apples are quite good, with bright taste and not too long shelf life. Moderately whimsical, cured of diseases with proper care.

Reviews get mixed, more biased towards positive. Good for preparing preparations for the winter (jam, compotes, etc.) and food. An option for gardeners who have an idea how to care for average plants and trees.