Why does a rose turn into a dog rose and what to do?
 why a rose turns into a dog rose what to do

Garden rose - one of the most difficult to grow crops. The plant has a number of biological features, so any violation of agricultural technology can lead to irreversible consequences.

One of them is the rebirth of a cultivated plant into a dog rose, which can be stopped if it is detected in time. In this article, we will look at why a rose is turning into a wild rose, how to understand what rebirth has begun, and what steps you can take to prevent rebirth.

How to distinguish rose from wild rose?

So, how to distinguish between rose and dogrose? The rose is the cultural form of the plant Rosehip. Most of the varieties and hybrids of the plant were obtained as a result of selection work, and some by selection from wild species of wild rose. Therefore, wild rose and rose have genetic and external similarities.

The similarity of young seedlings of the two cultures causes errors during acquisition, reproduction, or at the beginning of rebirth.

There are three main features by which you can determine the type of plant:

  • Leaves. The roses have a dark green color, dense and leathery with slightly rounded tips and a shiny surface. Basically, all varieties on the stem are formed by 3-5 leaves. Rosehip leaves are light olive color, dull and rough with 5-7 leaves with pointed tips.
  • Shoots. Young shoots have a reddish tint, and over time acquire a green color. In rose hips shoots are green and thinner.
  • Thorns. In roses, they are strong and rare. Brier stems are completely covered with short spikes, they can also be found on petioles and sepals.

In some cases, it is difficult to distinguish between two types of plants by these characteristics.Climbing roses also have 7 leaves each, and some varieties have small and frequent spikes. Therefore, the main sign can be considered the color of young shoots. Knowledge of the varietal characteristics of the plant will help to avoid many problems, so when you purchase a seedling you need to get detailed advice.

It is difficult to determine the type of plant only until the period of flowering and lignification of the shoots. After the formation of buds and the appearance of the hips, the difference becomes apparent.
 Rose bush red in the garden
Rose bush red in the garden

Why does a rose turn into a dog rose?

Rose can be propagated in different ways: cuttings or from another vegetative material. However, not all own-rooted plants are capable of settling down and enduring the harsh for winter culture of the middle and northern regions.

Rosehip is an unpretentious plant with powerful stem roots, adapted to different soil conditions and prolonged drought. The culture has high rates of winter hardiness, so it develops quietly even in the most severe conditions. Therefore, the plant is often used as a stock to the rose in nurseries and private gardening.

Despite the fact that the method itself is characterized by relative simplicity and high rates of survival, for the grafted plant there is always the risk of transformation into wild form.

The reason for this may lie in the illiteracy of the gardener and the dishonesty of manufacturers of planting material. This is a purchase of a seedling that has rose hips left below the vaccination site. After planting, rosehip shoots will grow from the remaining buds, which will take away nutrients. Cultural shoots, not receiving proper nutrition will soon die or cease to develop.

A frequent cause of rebirth is the wrong selection of stock. Some species of wild rose are characterized by aggressive growth and are able to form shoots of roots that quickly suppress the growth of cultivated shoots.

Improper planting of a seedling without a bump in the grafting site leads to a quick weakening of the scion, the place of which will quickly be taken by the shoots of a more hardy rosehip. The reason may be a violation of agricultural engineering: the lack of hilling or shelter for the winter.

The lack of necessary dressings, damage by pests, fungal or viral diseases can lead to the death of the rose, and the following year, in its place, wild rose will germinate.

Rebirth of a rose in a dog rose often happens imperceptibly and can last a long time. Therefore, when planting a grafted plant, you need to look closely at the external signs. To correct the situation is much easier in the early stages of the process.
 Flowers reborn in rose hips
Flowers reborn in rose hips

What to do to prevent the rose from being reborn?

In order to reduce the risk of a problem, it is important to take responsibility for the purchase of a seedling. It is better to acquire planting material in reputable nurseries or garden centers, where you can additionally get advice on agricultural technology.

It is necessary to inspect the seedling, to ensure that there are no buds under the graft, to evaluate the shoots and leaves by distinctive features.

At the first signs of the rebirth of a rose, you need to start quick actions:

  • unearth a vaccination site;
  • find the area of ​​sprouting sprouts;
  • cut rosehip shoots at the base;
  • process the cut with iodine.

This is not the final solution. The procedure will have to spend 2-3 times during the growing season. In the spring of next year, the re-formation of shoots is possible, so such activities may be needed throughout the life of the rose.The growth can appear at a distance of one meter from the stem of the plant, it also needs to be removed.

If the variety of roses is relatively winter-hardy, you can transfer it to its own roots. It is important to know that such bushes maximum decoration, achieved by 3-4 years. The procedure is carried out in the spring after the soil is heated. To do this, a trench is dug from the trunk, into which an escape is laid and secured with wire pins.

Escape the roses sprinkled with loose and nutritious soil, leaving the top outside in an upright position. To do this, it is tied to a peg. In the spring of next year, the rooted plant is separated and transplanted to a new location.

Depth rootstock 7-10 cm when planting a seedling significantly reduces the risk of the formation of wild rose. In some cases, this area may be exposed after watering or rain, so hilling will be required. In the subsequent place of the scion, it is necessary to carefully protect any damage may disrupt the nutrition of the grafted rose.
 Shrubs with large rose buds
Shrubs with large rose buds

Rose care

To prevent the transformation of a cultivated plant into a wild form, a number of care rules must be observed, especially if the rose is prone to it.This additional nutrition and protection from the effects of negative factors.

The first dressing of roses is carried out in the second decade of April. For this, nitrogen fertilizers are used: ammonium nitrate or urea. For this, 1 tbsp. l The drug is diluted in 10 liters of warm water. The rate for a single bush 1 l. The second dressing is done in June, during the period of budding. To do this, use solutions of organic fertilizers: mullein (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20).

After flowering is complete, the plant is fed with a mineral complex with an equal content of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. The finishing fertilizer is carried out in September; for this purpose, potassium magnesia (20 g) is used.

Watered rose rose water or rainwater. The procedure is carried out twice a week in hot weather. Consumption per 1 bush 10 liters. On cloudy days, they are guided by the condition of the soil, avoiding excessive drying. During each watering you need to inspect the place of vaccination, it should not be exposed.

In early spring and after flowering, preventive treatment of diseases and pests is carried out. DFor this purpose, universal preparations of fungicidal and insecticidal action are used.. Mulching of the trunk circle with peat or compost will suppress the growth of weeds, regulate the moisture balance in the soil, feeding the roots with useful substances.

Before winter, the rose bush should be thoroughly covered.

This event is held in the third decade of October. Before this, all weak and damaged shoots are completely removed. Healthy stems shorten by 1/3. Roots spud 20 cm, pristvolny circle covered with sawdust and spruce. In order to prevent heating in the spring, after warming, covering materials are removed and sanitary pruning is carried out.

The basis for the emergence of a specific problem in any crop is the illiteracy of a gardener or a violation of the plant’s agricultural practices. During the development of a new plant, first of all, it is necessary to study all its biological features, evaluate its strength, time and capabilities. Careful and competent care can work wonders, even when growing such a capricious plant like a rose. It only depends on you whether the rose is reborn as wild rose or not.