How to deal with spider mite on currants
 Currant mite

A spider mite is a pest that parasitizes foliage and can live on both indoor plants and in the garden. A tick male reaches a length of 0.5 mm, whereas its female may be twice as large. These pests can have a different color. There are white, red, green and even orange insects.

The defeat of currant bushes occurs most often from the foliage of its lower part. The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of white dots on the leaves. Whereas over time the tick gets higher and higher, enveloping its currants with its web. How to deal with this pest, we'll talk in this review.

Signs of defeat currant spider mite

 Signs of defeat currant spider mite
Signs of defeat currant spider mite

Recognizing the appearance of spider mites on currants is easy. Even taking into account the fact that the pests are very small, they can cause significant damage to the currant until its destruction. In view of rapid reproduction, tick individuals in a short time spread throughout the plant., sucking the juice out of it and thereby deforming the structure of the foliage.


The main causes of spider mites include:

  • hot and dry weather. Such weather conditions are considered optimal for the reproduction of pests. Although some time ticks can wait out even the cold;
  • if the soil lacks beneficial organic compounds or other trace elements, these are immediately used by pests. They immediately attack plants, in some way weakened by the lack of organic matter;
 Spider mite
Spider mite
  • currant bushes can become infected with spider insectsfrom other plants in the garden. That is why it is important to localize the affected areas and try to get rid of pests as quickly as possible, not allowing them to continue to multiply;
  • over dusty plants - this is also the cause of ticks. They like this habitat. It is recommended to constantly irrigate currants to prevent pests.

It is worth noting that if you do not immediately eliminate all the causes of ticks, then there will be no sense from this. Since in one day the female can lay about two hundred eggs. It is necessary to fight in a complex, destroying not only adult individuals, but also their eggs.

Consequences of defeat currant pest

 Spider mite leads to dehydration and drying of currant leaves
Spider mite leads to dehydration and drying of currant leaves

If you do not get rid of spider mites before the ovary, then you can not wait for the harvest. This pest is terrible also because it not only affects the ovaries on flowers, but also causes irreparable damage to foliage. This significantly increases the chance of a currant bush to get sick with other ailments.

Practice shows that black currant bushes very rarely get sick.But if they were struck by a spider mite and did not get rid of the pest on time. Powdery mildew defeats immediately. And already from this problem it becomes almost impossible to get rid of.

How to deal with spider mite

In the process of dealing with spider mites It is best to use folk methods. Firstly, it is free, because in the recipes there are handy tools or plants that can be found in any vegetable garden or garden plot. Secondly, these are safe methods of eliminating pests. Such infusions and solutions do not harm either the plants themselves or people.

Plain water is an excellent tool, at the initial stage, eliminating the bushes from ticks. This is because the pest does not tolerate high humidity. If you constantly water the bushes right on top of the water or after watering envelop them with a film to significantly increase the humidity, the adults will quickly die.
 To combat spider mites in the initial stage of a lesion, the bushes are watered abundantly with clean water.
To combat spider mites in the initial stage of a lesion, the bushes are watered abundantly with clean water.

Whereas the use of specialized chemical compounds is recommended exclusively in the most difficult situations when folk methods did not give the desired result.Since the store drugs, falling into the pulp of currants, spoil it, causing harm to the human body. Apply chemistry with subsequent harvesting is possible only if the use of funds before the flowering of currants. Otherwise, the harvest is forbidden to be eaten.

The use of spider mite control agents also depends on the temperature outside.

At an air temperature of + 21 degrees Celsius, it is advised to perform three acaricide treatments with an interval of 8 days. If the temperature rises to +30 degrees, the number of treatments increases to 4 times, and the interval decreases to 5 days. Otherwise, new eggs will have time to mature, further spreading.

The use of special drugs

Acaricides can be used only before the appearance of flowering, since hazardous substances can get into the berries and harm people. If, however, no one will harvest the berries at all, and the problem lies in saving the garden from a pest that spreads to other plants, The sense and meaning of acaricites at any stage of bush development is available.

 Spraying currant bushes from spider mites
Spraying currant bushes from spider mites

The method of application, more precisely the instruction for the preparation of the composition, is indicated on the packaging. You should not make your own adjustments to the solution, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Practice shows that getting rid of spider mite is not easy. And the first available chemical can not help. We'll have to change the drug on the basis of other poisons.

Use chemicals recommended 3-4 times. Since tick eggs exhibit increased resistance to all drugs, including "lethal chemistry."

For currants recommended to pay attention to the following drugs:

  • Floromite;
  • Sunmite;
  • Oberon;
  • Flumayt;
  • Apollo;
  • Nisoran.

Using popular methods

There are some plants that will help cope with the pest. Some should be used in dried form, others fresh. Consider the main options:

  • wormwood, dope, dandelion, yarrow, calendula, celandine;
  • can cook a solution of finely chopped onion with garlic, diluted with water and infused for 24 hours;
  • performed well against tick infusion of potato tops.
 Infusion of arrows of garlic will help you in the fight against spider mite
Infusion of arrows of garlic will help you in the fight against spider mite
It is recommended to use solutions by spraying them over the surface of a shrub. And it is necessary to do this at least three times daily. This is because eggs show high fluid resistance. And to destroy them is much more difficult than mature individuals.

Now it becomes clear that it is worth starting the fight against the spider mite immediately after its appearance. This is because, in the first place, pests can be simply washed off with a stream of water or treated with infusion of herbs. If you do not navigate in time, then after the appearance of the ovary, the mite can damage it, which means there will be no harvest. Moreover, the pest spreads quickly through the garden and can hit all other healthy plants, even reaching indoor plants. Everything must be done in a timely manner!